Serving the best of

South Asian street food

South Asian
street food

South Asian street food


Achar Street Kitchen's Chicken Kebab Bowl


Achar Street Kitchen's Chicken and Beef Kebab Rolls

Chickpea Salad

Achar Street Kitchen's Chickpea Salad - Chotpoti

Burmese Noodles

Achar Street Kitchen's Burmese Noodles


Achar Street Kitchen's Turmeric Cauliflower and Potatoes - Gobi Alu


Achar Street Kitchen's Sweet Rice Pudding - Firni

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A harmony of flavors

Inspired by traditional South Asian street food. Here you’ll experience flavors unlike anywhere else, with authentic dishes that dance with the perfect balance of sweet, sour, and spice.

Three-tier tiffin illustration
Three-tier tiffin illustration
Vases and fruits illustration